Program: Pre-K (M-F)
Through thoughtfully planned non-directed and teacher-guided activities, “academics” are integrated into hands-on, play based learning opportunities that are relevant and meaningful to the children. Children are encouraged to figure out how things work, interact with each other respectfully, try out new roles, experiment with ideas, build on and extend their experiences, and solve real problems. Providing a learning environment that emphasizes and supports children’s development of strong social and emotional skills is critical for supporting all other areas of learning and development in Pre-K and beyond.
It is our goal in Pre-K that children:
Experience and foster a joy for learning and school by engaging in interesting, age-appropriate experiences that stimulate their social, emotional, creative, intellectual and physical development.
Experience a safe, supportive social and emotional environment.
Grow in their self-confidence, independence, self-regulation, and curiosity.
Continue to develop a curiosity for and learn about the natural world through the process of asking questions, thinking about and discussing problems, and making discoveries through active hands-on learning.
Engage their whole body and all their senses in their learning process.
Gain increasing control of their large and fine muscles.
Have opportunities to extend their ability to focus, plan, and make connections.
Use written & spoken language and mathematical concepts in concrete and meaningful ways.
Continue to develop respect for themselves and others through positive adult guidance.
Discuss and resolve problems amongst themselves with minimal adult interaction.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am - 2:15pm and Tuesday 9:00-12:00pm
Must be 4-years old by September 1st
Sample Class Schedule
9:00 Children Arrive | Outdoor Curriculum & Free Play
10:15 Hand washing | Snack
10:30 Greeting Circle | Group Time
10:45 Teacher Directed Activities & Free Play
11:45 Clean-Up | Story Circle
12:00 Lunch | Tuesday Pick-up
12:30 Outdoor Curriculum & Free Play
1:50 Clean-up | Hand washing
2:00 Story Circle
2:15 Pick-up
Parent Participation
While PreK is a non-parent participation program. There are a handful of classroom celebrations throughout the school year that rely on parent support. We also encourage parents to come into the classroom when their schedules allow. They can spend time with the children reading, singing, playing games, directing an art or cooking project, and more!
24-25 Tuition
Tuition is paid in installments: one-third is due at registration in March and the remaining two-thirds is paid in three installments billed on June 1, October 1 and January 1.
• Enrollment Fee - $260
• Annual Tuition - $15,350/year